Like as a basic needs of a human beings,ICT education and computer education are also important for us.Information and communication technology is emerging technology which includes fast processing capabilities of information and transmitting them from one part of the world to the another.It has termendously increased the capabilities in telecommunication,television,telefax,etc.Staying at the one corner of the world,one can received information from any part of the world or transmit information easilywith the help of infprmation technology devices.The study of such devices,use of them,etc is Information Technology education.
Today we can see more school and collage of " IT" are inproving day by day.Information technology has a very big role to play in bringing a world together.In Nepal also "IT" collages are increasing day by day. Nepal is underdeveloped country so,"IT" education is most important for students.The study of IT devices ,use of them,etc are "IT" education.
*Some of the advantage of ICT devices*
-We can transfer our information and message soon.
-We can know what event and war held in part of the country.
-People can run toward development.
-People can take fast and currect solution of their problems.
*Some disadvantage of the ICT devices*
-They are expensive so that almost of the person can't buy this devices.
-People used to lost almost of their time inthis devices.
-There is no continue electricity power to use this devices in Nepal.
-The damage part of this devices arenot found soon.
Computer studies is deals with the study of features of computers,and the ways and methods of using comouters so as to provide a basicfor understandig the impact of computers on individuals,organizations and society.Computers studies is related with manipulation ,location,modification and productionof information ,eg.,using libery ,answering examing question,producing a bill and data processing.
*Some advantages of computer education *
-People were well knowledgeable in computer education.
-People can do their work fast and accurate.
-We can manupulate ,modif y our work.
-Person are well-known about features of computers.
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