To prepare census report of 2018 B.S. took nearly 6 years and 6 months by using a calculating device called Facit.At that time total population was only 96 lakhs.Due to delay in census calculation ,the five years planning was stopped and that six years old data could not give the exact figure of population.
His majestry government bought a second generation IBM 1401 computer on rent (Rs 1 lakhs 25 thousands per month) for the census of 2028 B.S,It took 1 year 7 months and 15 days to process 1 crore and 12.5 lakhs populations.Later this machine was not sent back to the owner and purchased by the government of Nepal for further data processing in Bureau of statistics.
For the pro[per use of this computer ,Electronic Data processing Center was established in 2031.After 6 years which was named National computer center (NCC).
In 2038 B.S . a forth generation computer named ICL 2950/10 was improved from England in 20 lakhs American dollors to use in the census of that year.It was funded by UNDP and UNFPA with the help of this computer the census of 2038 B.S completed within 1 year and 3 month.This computer had 64 terminals.This computers lies in the museum of National Computer Centre (NCC) Sing Darbar.
The British Government trained the manpower of National Computer Centre and awarded the degree graduate ,diploma or post graduate.In the meantime ,Nepalese students went to India.,Thailand and USA for the computer studies on their own.
Microcomputers like Apple ,Vector and Sirus were imported in the year 2039 B.S .New companies such as Computer Consultancy (CC),Management Information Processing System(MIPS) and Data System International (DSI) were established in Nepal.Now ,there are many companies and organizations which produce computer traning ,servicing,maintainece and upgrading etc.
His Mejestry Government has formed High Commision for Information Technology(HCIT) under the chairmanship of Prime Mister.IT policy is also formulated in 2057 B.S.IT Park with all infrastructure for IT companies is under construction in Banepa.
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