Now a days ,computers are used everywhere.It is used for wide variety of application and fields such as bussiness,banking ,medicine and health care ,education ,space technology ,transpotation and communication ,music and so on.This huge popularity of computers is due to its peculiar characteristics such as speed ,accuracy,diligence,versatality,automation and reliability.
Morden bussines cannot survive without computers.In bussiness ,computers are ued for general operation such as day-to-day transactions,maintaning employee records,writting letters ,communicating co-workers and so on.They are also used for managerial tasks such as preparing budgets,forecasting buying selling pattern and formulation of appropriate policies.
Banks are using computers for various costomer services such as cheque verefication ,costomer balance inquiry ,printing of costomers statements and so on.
MICR(Magnatic Ink Character Reader) is a computer devices which automates the varification of the costomer cheques.ATM(Automated Teller Machine) is a computer device used by bank for automatically providing banking services such as money deposit withdraw1 and query balance to the cosomer without involement of bank staffs.It acts as minibank.
Computers have bought revolution in the field of education.Now ,computers are used as teaching and learning aids by teachers.Students can use self learning program to learn various subjects.The use of computers has popularized the concept of open universities .Through distant learning students can get university degrees on-line ,sitting infront of a computer at their home .
It would be impossible to explore outer space without computers .Computers are used for the design and operation of artificial satellites ,rockets and other space exploration vehicles.Thesedays ,weather pattern in the earth ,damages due to natural disasters such as flood,earthquakes etc. are predicted by analyzing the data sent by artificial satellites using computers.
Transportation and communication sectors are benefitted a lot due to computer technology.Computers are used in traffic control system of land as well as air.It prevents unnecesary delays due to traffic jams.It also reduces the chances of collision of aeroplane .Computers are used for the reservation and cancellation of tickets of aeroplanes,bus,railway and so on.
The use of Internet and e-mail has created a new dimension in communication sectors.Now ,a person in one side os globe can communicate with the other person in another side of globe as if they are face-to-face with help of video-conferencing technology via computer.Electronic mail (e-mail) and chat services
in computer enables people to send and receive messages instantly.
Computers have become a useful tool for musician .With the help of computers musician creat new musical notes .It also provides much flexibility to composers.COmputers are used in entertainment industry such as television theatre ,flims etc. to give special effects to make the contents real and attractive.
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