The first generation computer were developed during 1946 to 1958.They used large numbers of vacuum tubes as the electronic circuit and storage media..Vacuum tubes was developed by Lee Deforest in1908.They were large in size and very slow in speed,very low capacity but were very expensive.They consumed a lot of power and produced a lot of heat.They used machine language for writing the programs.This made programming extremely difficult and time consuming.
The second generation computers were developed during 1956 to 1964.They used transistors as the electronic circuits.The transistors were developed by John Burdeen,Walter Brattain and william Shockley in1947.Development of computers were revolutionized by the transistors.They were faster ,more reliable ,easier to operate,less expensive ,much smaller than vacuum tubes,required less electricity than of the first generation computers.They used assembly language and the high level language such as COBOL,ALGOL,FORTRAN etc.
The third generation computers were developed during 1965 to 1974.They used Integrated circuit (IC) as electronic circuit.IC circuit consists of a large number of electronic components placed on a single silicon chip by a photolithography process.Integrated circuit was developed by Jack Kilby in 1958.
This new technology (IC) made the third generation computer more reliable faster,smaller easier to operate ,high capacity ,less expensive than previous generation of computer.Third generation computer included the use of an operating system for automatic processing and multiprogramming.
The forth generation computers were developed during 1975 to 1990.The present days computers are included in this generation .They used large scale integration circuits (VLSI) known as microprocessor chip as electronic circuits.The first microprocessor called Intel 400 was developed by Intel corporation USA in 1971.Its size is about 0.5 cm long and less than 0.05 cm thick.In this generation the use of microprocessor made computer very faster ,capable of very high memory ,small in size and less expensive than previous generation computers.Data communication media also developed in this generation of computers.Forth generation of computers used graphical devices and language interfaces to graphic system.
The micro processors which are extensively used as memory devices contain very pure from of silicon in crystal form.Attempts are being made by japan,Germany,and USA for the development of memory devices and main processor (microprocessors) by using protein or gallium Arsenide(GaAs), after the use of which ,it has been estimated,the capability of computer will increase millions of times.Recently,these are named as super conductors.Japan has taken keen intrest to win the race of developing super computers by using super conductors.These computers may possible by very small like micro computers
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