Information yechnology play very big role in development of country.We see that many -many information technology devices are improving day by day.Information technology devices helps to make world together.
Today we can see a telephone and cell phone with every person.With the help of this devices we can get information and share our message soon from one part of the country to another country.Impossible works are also being possible with the help of Imformation Technology.We can speak with the person of America from Nepal with in 1 min,if we need to go to America we should 6-7 hours by plane.But it is easy to take by phone and fast also.This is all possibleby Information Technology.
Telephone are use by connecting wire,whereas cellphone are wireless.Cellphone(Mobile phone) are more popular than tablephone.Cellphone are easy to carry because it is small in size & we can this in our pocket also.Wher telephone are big insize than cell phone & it is difficult to carry beacuse it has a long wire.Cellphone are wireless there is noneed of wire .We can charge Cellphone and use it for 2-3 days.
There is many facilities in both cellphone and in tablephone.Different facilities are seen in different model of cellphone.In advance model more facilities are involbe and in low model there is no any good function or facilities.In low model cellphone there is only incall and outcall .But in advance model or quality there is function of internet ,accept memory card and other facilities.With the help of prepaid card(Recharge card) we can rechare our account.But in telephone there is no this type of facilities.
Today we can see more advanced facilities in cellphone and in telephone.With the help of telephone we can use internet in computer.And also in cellphone we can see the facilities of internet.Today internet also be a morden technology.With the help of internet we can chat,share information,download songs,vedios& pictures in cheap price.
Early we can't see this facilities.Early people use to write letter and send through pegion (birds).It take 2-3 days for receive one letter.But now,we can share our information and massage in 1min. through Telecommunication.This is possible with the help of Information Technology.
-We can share our information in few minute.
-It is easy to transfer massage.
-We can use internet in this phone.
-It is easy to take and use.
-Today we can get this (cellphone)in cheap price.
-It is easy to put and carry in pocket.
In one Information devices we can do many activities.This is succes with the help of information Technology.Today Information technology bring a world together .We can take information about our country ,relatives ,company and other events in few seconds or min., by sitting on one corner of the country.This is possible with the help of Infoemation Technology.Information Technology play a very big role to bring a world together and in development of a country and a world .We can see many improvement in Information Technology devices today.If this improvement decreas day by day surely nepal develop soon.Information Technology make our life comfortable by helping in our impossible works making possible.If today this technology arenot avilable then our world can't reached in this possition.
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