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Friday, July 30, 2010
One of the creative thinker of 19Th century was the Englishman Charles Babbage(1792-1871).He is considered to be the father of computer science.Like Pascal and Leibniz,Babbage was a mathematician.And he too, wanted to build a machine that could perform difficult calculations accurately and quickly.
Babbage was Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University and started a small model of his "Different Engine".He demonstrated his machine to the Royal Society in the year1823.The demonstration won government backing for Babbage who wished to produce a large machine able to generate reliable astronomical and mathematical tables containing values accurate to 20 decimal places.the machine was never completed because of mechanical difficulties.
However,Babbage's researches led him to develop the concept of an Analytical Engine in the year 1833,essentially a general purpose automatic calculator,which he designed in 1834.This design owed much to Jacquard's invention and incorporated many features present in modern computers.He had a concept of using binary digits (Bits) in this machine.
Using his idea about 100 years later in 1973 Mark-I was developed by Howard Aiken.Idea generated by Charles Babbage can summarized in the followings points:
1. Data and the program instruction fed in via a device using a suitable medium (punched cards)
2. Storage facilities for data and instructions.
3. A mechanized unit for calculation- a "mill".
4. A suitable output device.
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Computers are quite different from a normal machine.The popularity and importance or computer is due to following characteristics:
Computers perform operation at a very high speed.It can solve complex calculation in a short time which may require for a human.Today ,computer can perform 100 million computations per second.The time taken to perform a task by the computer is measured in fraction of seconds.
Computer is basically 100% accurate machine.It gives accurate result for the inputted data .But,if we give wrong or garbage.This is known as "Garbage -In Garbage-Out"(GIGO).The output is dependent on the given input.The mistakes in the calculation of computer is due to human errors.
Computer can perform required tasks repeatedly with same speed ,accuracy and efficiency.It never gets tired or bored doing a work.So,computer is a diligent machine.
Computer is a versatile machine.It can be used in wide range of application and various field such as communication,education,business,printing and publishing,astronomy etc.
A computer can store large amount of data and information which can be retrieved whenever required.This large storage capacity is achieved through auxiliary or secondary memory in computer .Storage capacity of computer is measured in terms of bytes,kilobytes,megabytes,gigabytes and terabytes.

Now a days ,computers are used everywhere.It is used for wide variety of application and fields such as bussiness,banking ,medicine and health care ,education ,space technology ,transpotation and communication ,music and so on.This huge popularity of computers is due to its peculiar characteristics such as speed ,accuracy,diligence,versatality,automation and reliability.
Morden bussines cannot survive without computers.In bussiness ,computers are ued for general operation such as day-to-day transactions,maintaning employee records,writting letters ,communicating co-workers and so on.They are also used for managerial tasks such as preparing budgets,forecasting buying selling pattern and formulation of appropriate policies.
Banks are using computers for various costomer services such as cheque verefication ,costomer balance inquiry ,printing of costomers statements and so on.
MICR(Magnatic Ink Character Reader) is a computer devices which automates the varification of the costomer cheques.ATM(Automated Teller Machine) is a computer device used by bank for automatically providing banking services such as money deposit withdraw1 and query balance to the cosomer without involement of bank staffs.It acts as minibank.
Computers have bought revolution in the field of education.Now ,computers are used as teaching and learning aids by teachers.Students can use self learning program to learn various subjects.The use of computers has popularized the concept of open universities .Through distant learning students can get university degrees on-line ,sitting infront of a computer at their home .
It would be impossible to explore outer space without computers .Computers are used for the design and operation of artificial satellites ,rockets and other space exploration vehicles.Thesedays ,weather pattern in the earth ,damages due to natural disasters such as flood,earthquakes etc. are predicted by analyzing the data sent by artificial satellites using computers.
Transportation and communication sectors are benefitted a lot due to computer technology.Computers are used in traffic control system of land as well as air.It prevents unnecesary delays due to traffic jams.It also reduces the chances of collision of aeroplane .Computers are used for the reservation and cancellation of tickets of aeroplanes,bus,railway and so on.
The use of Internet and e-mail has created a new dimension in communication sectors.Now ,a person in one side os globe can communicate with the other person in another side of globe as if they are face-to-face with help of video-conferencing technology via computer.Electronic mail (e-mail) and chat services
in computer enables people to send and receive messages instantly.
Computers have become a useful tool for musician .With the help of computers musician creat new musical notes .It also provides much flexibility to composers.COmputers are used in entertainment industry such as television theatre ,flims etc. to give special effects to make the contents real and attractive.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

To prepare census report of 2018 B.S. took nearly 6 years and 6 months by using a calculating device called Facit.At that time total population was only 96 lakhs.Due to delay in census calculation ,the five years planning was stopped and that six years old data could not give the exact figure of population.
His majestry government bought a second generation IBM 1401 computer on rent (Rs 1 lakhs 25 thousands per month) for the census of 2028 B.S,It took 1 year 7 months and 15 days to process 1 crore and 12.5 lakhs populations.Later this machine was not sent back to the owner and purchased by the government of Nepal for further data processing in Bureau of statistics.
For the pro[per use of this computer ,Electronic Data processing Center was established in 2031.After 6 years which was named National computer center (NCC).
In 2038 B.S . a forth generation computer named ICL 2950/10 was improved from England in 20 lakhs American dollors to use in the census of that year.It was funded by UNDP and UNFPA with the help of this computer the census of 2038 B.S completed within 1 year and 3 month.This computer had 64 terminals.This computers lies in the museum of National Computer Centre (NCC) Sing Darbar.
The British Government trained the manpower of National Computer Centre and awarded the degree graduate ,diploma or post graduate.In the meantime ,Nepalese students went to India.,Thailand and USA for the computer studies on their own.
Microcomputers like Apple ,Vector and Sirus were imported in the year 2039 B.S .New companies such as Computer Consultancy (CC),Management Information Processing System(MIPS) and Data System International (DSI) were established in Nepal.Now ,there are many companies and organizations which produce computer traning ,servicing,maintainece and upgrading etc.
His Mejestry Government has formed High Commision for Information Technology(HCIT) under the chairmanship of Prime Mister.IT policy is also formulated in 2057 B.S.IT Park with all infrastructure for IT companies is under construction in Banepa.

The first generation computer were developed during 1946 to 1958.They used large numbers of vacuum tubes as the electronic circuit and storage media..Vacuum tubes was developed by Lee Deforest in1908.They were large in size and very slow in speed,very low capacity but were very expensive.They consumed a lot of power and produced a lot of heat.They used machine language for writing the programs.This made programming extremely difficult and time consuming.
The second generation computers were developed during 1956 to 1964.They used transistors as the electronic circuits.The transistors were developed by John Burdeen,Walter Brattain and william Shockley in1947.Development of computers were revolutionized by the transistors.They were faster ,more reliable ,easier to operate,less expensive ,much smaller than vacuum tubes,required less electricity than of the first generation computers.They used assembly language and the high level language such as COBOL,ALGOL,FORTRAN etc.
The third generation computers were developed during 1965 to 1974.They used Integrated circuit (IC) as electronic circuit.IC circuit consists of a large number of electronic components placed on a single silicon chip by a photolithography process.Integrated circuit was developed by Jack Kilby in 1958.
This new technology (IC) made the third generation computer more reliable faster,smaller easier to operate ,high capacity ,less expensive than previous generation of computer.Third generation computer included the use of an operating system for automatic processing and multiprogramming.
The forth generation computers were developed during 1975 to 1990.The present days computers are included in this generation .They used large scale integration circuits (VLSI) known as microprocessor chip as electronic circuits.The first microprocessor called Intel 400 was developed by Intel corporation USA in 1971.Its size is about 0.5 cm long and less than 0.05 cm thick.In this generation the use of microprocessor made computer very faster ,capable of very high memory ,small in size and less expensive than previous generation computers.Data communication media also developed in this generation of computers.Forth generation of computers used graphical devices and language interfaces to graphic system.
The micro processors which are extensively used as memory devices contain very pure from of silicon in crystal form.Attempts are being made by japan,Germany,and USA for the development of memory devices and main processor (microprocessors) by using protein or gallium Arsenide(GaAs), after the use of which ,it has been estimated,the capability of computer will increase millions of times.Recently,these are named as super conductors.Japan has taken keen intrest to win the race of developing super computers by using super conductors.These computers may possible by very small like micro computers
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

In the history there is not clear cut pattern of development of computer after EDSAC.The computer history is tied up in a tangle of technological advances,university research and company amalgamations.
Originally ,the term generation was used to distinguish between varying hardware technologies.In 1962 International Conference of Computer Scientist was held.In this conference scientists decided to give generation of development of computer.The development of computers took place in five distinct phases known as computer generation.Each generation is characterized by dramatic improvements over the previous generation in the technology used to built them.Different kinds of memory devices used in different generation computer. Vacuum tubes are used as memory devices in the first generation computers.Transistors were used as memory devices in second generation computers.Integrated circuits were used as memory devices in third generation computers and fourth generation computers by using microchips.Now, we got fifth generation computer that used Bio chip and Very Large Scale Integration as main components.
Evaluation of mordern computers are classified into five generations based on their speed,capacity,reliability,main components used and programming languages used them.
With the advent of new microprocessor techonologies ,the latest computers developed in recent years are given as follows:-
POWER PC AND POWER MAC:This is a new model ever designed to incorporate with the different MOS and CMOS technologies.This computers were designed by integration of three renowned companies:IBM Apple and Motorola.The term super scalar is used for the architecture which uses more than one pipeline for the execution of instructions.This computers can read and write data to and from IBM and Macintosh.The IBM computers are following CMOS technology and Macintosh computers are following MOS Technology.
PENTIUM MICROPROCESSOR COMPUTER:The pentium is a high performence, super scalar,CISC microprocessor developed by Intel corporation.It was introduced in the year 1993.It has a 32 bit address but and 64-bit data bus.It contain 3.1 million transistors.It's clock speed ranges up to 233 MHz.
PENTIUM MMX:MMX stands for Multi-Media eXtension.Pentium with MMX technology has been developed to handle multimedia computer.A Multimedia computer accept input in the from the text,graphics,images and sound.Similarly it produces output in the form of text ,graphics and sound.It has seprate pipeline to handle multimedia called MMX pipeline.
PENTIUM PRO:The pentium pro ,a 32 bit CISC processor ,introduced in 1995 has data flow architecture .The data flow architecture is quite different than the architecture of Intel's earlier microprocessors such as Pentium,Pentium with MMX .It contain second level cache memory of 256KB or 512KB in addition to first level cache memories.It contain 21 million transistor.It was used before the introduction of Pentium 2 computer.
CELERON PROCESSOR :Intel celeron ,introduced in 1999 ,is low-cost processor based on Pentium pro architecture.It's clock rates for it's different versions varied from 26 MHz to 533 MHz.It contain inStructions and data cache,16KB 128cache respectively.
PENTIUM III PROCESSOR: Intel's Pentium III processor ,introduced in 1999 ,is and improved version of Petium II processor with 70 Internet streaming SIMD inStruction.They are aimed at improving compression ,decompression ,video and audio streaming ,speech recognition and 3-d simulation.It can have 1MB to 2MB memory and uses Pentium III Xenon processor.
ITANIUM(OR MERCED)PROCESSOR:It is the first 64 bit processor of Intel corporation.The Itanium based system are primarily targeted to E-commerce application and ISPs.
Monday, July 26, 2010

Television is also a means of communication.We can see a television in almost of houses.Early we can see a television in some place of town area but now we can see a television in village area also.
Today we can see and listen what event and war held in which part of the country. By sitting in one room we know what is happening in which part of the world.So,we can say that Information Technology help to bring a world together.We can watch movies,drama,and many other program in television.
Television play a very big role to bring a world together.If some event occur in any place of the world then in 1min. we can see that event in our television.People can get good information,message and knowledge from watching television.We can see television in different model and size.Today we can see LCD model television in Nepal also.Drama and movies containing knowledge are shown in television.
Televisions are also being a time past for people who has a leasure time.Mostly it is important beacause we can knowledge what is happening in which part of the country.Different advertise are also given in this television .That advertise contain knowledge about what things are good and what things are bad for us.More people get knowledge from this advertise.Many program are come in television that they are sponser by that advertise.
-People get informati0n about the event held in the world.
-People are educated in what things are good for them from a advertise.
-People can spent their lesure time by watching television.
-Television are cheap than computer so many people can buy this computer.
-Children can copy nonsence thing incase of coping good knowledge.
-It consumes more electricity which cost more .
-Television makes people so sick.
-Loss of time .

Information yechnology play very big role in development of country.We see that many -many information technology devices are improving day by day.Information technology devices helps to make world together.
Today we can see a telephone and cell phone with every person.With the help of this devices we can get information and share our message soon from one part of the country to another country.Impossible works are also being possible with the help of Imformation Technology.We can speak with the person of America from Nepal with in 1 min,if we need to go to America we should 6-7 hours by plane.But it is easy to take by phone and fast also.This is all possibleby Information Technology.
Telephone are use by connecting wire,whereas cellphone are wireless.Cellphone(Mobile phone) are more popular than tablephone.Cellphone are easy to carry because it is small in size & we can this in our pocket also.Wher telephone are big insize than cell phone & it is difficult to carry beacuse it has a long wire.Cellphone are wireless there is noneed of wire .We can charge Cellphone and use it for 2-3 days.
There is many facilities in both cellphone and in tablephone.Different facilities are seen in different model of cellphone.In advance model more facilities are involbe and in low model there is no any good function or facilities.In low model cellphone there is only incall and outcall .But in advance model or quality there is function of internet ,accept memory card and other facilities.With the help of prepaid card(Recharge card) we can rechare our account.But in telephone there is no this type of facilities.
Today we can see more advanced facilities in cellphone and in telephone.With the help of telephone we can use internet in computer.And also in cellphone we can see the facilities of internet.Today internet also be a morden technology.With the help of internet we can chat,share information,download songs,vedios& pictures in cheap price.
Early we can't see this facilities.Early people use to write letter and send through pegion (birds).It take 2-3 days for receive one letter.But now,we can share our information and massage in 1min. through Telecommunication.This is possible with the help of Information Technology.
-We can share our information in few minute.
-It is easy to transfer massage.
-We can use internet in this phone.
-It is easy to take and use.
-Today we can get this (cellphone)in cheap price.
-It is easy to put and carry in pocket.
In one Information devices we can do many activities.This is succes with the help of information Technology.Today Information technology bring a world together .We can take information about our country ,relatives ,company and other events in few seconds or min., by sitting on one corner of the country.This is possible with the help of Infoemation Technology.Information Technology play a very big role to bring a world together and in development of a country and a world .We can see many improvement in Information Technology devices today.If this improvement decreas day by day surely nepal develop soon.Information Technology make our life comfortable by helping in our impossible works making possible.If today this technology arenot avilable then our world can't reached in this possition.
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Like as a basic needs of a human beings,ICT education and computer education are also important for us.Information and communication technology is emerging technology which includes fast processing capabilities of information and transmitting them from one part of the world to the another.It has termendously increased the capabilities in telecommunication,television,telefax,etc.Staying at the one corner of the world,one can received information from any part of the world or transmit information easilywith the help of infprmation technology devices.The study of such devices,use of them,etc is Information Technology education.
Today we can see more school and collage of " IT" are inproving day by day.Information technology has a very big role to play in bringing a world together.In Nepal also "IT" collages are increasing day by day. Nepal is underdeveloped country so,"IT" education is most important for students.The study of IT devices ,use of them,etc are "IT" education.
*Some of the advantage of ICT devices*
-We can transfer our information and message soon.
-We can know what event and war held in part of the country.
-People can run toward development.
-People can take fast and currect solution of their problems.
*Some disadvantage of the ICT devices*
-They are expensive so that almost of the person can't buy this devices.
-People used to lost almost of their time inthis devices.
-There is no continue electricity power to use this devices in Nepal.
-The damage part of this devices arenot found soon.
Computer studies is deals with the study of features of computers,and the ways and methods of using comouters so as to provide a basicfor understandig the impact of computers on individuals,organizations and society.Computers studies is related with manipulation ,location,modification and productionof information ,eg.,using libery ,answering examing question,producing a bill and data processing.
*Some advantages of computer education *
-People were well knowledgeable in computer education.
-People can do their work fast and accurate.
-We can manupulate ,modif y our work.
-Person are well-known about features of computers.

The computer's was developed as results of man's search for a faster way to calculate.Computers are very fast because data and instrutions are represented as pulses within electronic circuits and they travel at the speed of light.A da's work on the computer would take aperson more than 2700 years with a hand calculator.People who contributed to make this possible where philosophers,inventors,mathematicans,programmers,etc.It has come to this stage because of their tireless effort. Counting machines didnot exits many years ago.People used to count using their fingers or arranged stones in piles or rows.They drew lines on the ground,cut notches in sticks or tied knots in strings in order to keep traks of the number of things.As the need to calculate increased,people sought tools to help them . Around the fifth century A.D.,Hindu pilosophers developed a new method of counting from 0-9.This system of counting is called the desimal method.The numbers stated above(0 to 9) are the digits.Digits is a finger or toe,and counting on one's fingers is called the digital operation.The term digital has been extended to cover any operation on distinct values which are carried out in,"Switch the light on" is a digital operation,whereas ,operating a radio's volume control is anolog operation.The vast major of computers seen today are electronic digital computers and their names suggest that they carry out their work by performing high speed digital operation on data.The first electronic digital ccomputer were built in the mid 1940s.Their forerunners were a number of digital devices,of which the abacus is one.All these began with counting of pebbles,which of course,was the earliest method.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
INTRODUCTION The term compute means to calculate something.during calculation some mathmetical operation are performed.Before the origin of the computers,there were mecanical and electromecanical calculating divices.Thus,for solving methematical problems and scientific problems,the computers were developed.In early days,since there were no computers people used mecanical devices.We will discuss the origin of mecanical calculating divices in the forthcoming sections.Gradually ,as electric powered computing devices emerged,the world of computing clanged and much faster and efficient calculating devices were developed.Many people have contributed to the development of the computer.Noteable personalities changed the method of computing and mathematics geniuses helped in developing complex computing techniques. In general terms,compute means to calculate somthing.To calculate means to do some mathematical operations.About 30-40 years ago ,the calculator was introduced as a calculating divice.Calculator computes number or does methematical operation.This is also a digital operating devics.But computers appeared in huge sizes and extermely high processing capacities.Now,computers have become very powerful devices to support the development in the field of data processing and research.Their size reduced and processing capacities and speed increased termendously.Therefore,the computer has become almost indispensable in morden technologies. The computer has avery big role to play in bringing the world together.The computer is used in almost every field in developed countries.A computer is afast and accurate electronic symbol or cata manupulating system that is designed to automatically accept and store input data,process them ,and produce output results under the direction of stored program ofinstructions.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Nepal is poor country.Almost of people can't buy a expensive computer .Some of the poor family of Nepal want to buy a computer for their job and practice,but they can't buy a expensive computer .Early we can see a computer in some of the place .But ,now we can see a computer at almost part of Nepal.Like at :-Communication,Bank system, and ticket Reservation,Bussiness,Education, Decision making,Distance Education and Engineering.
Today we can see a Rs.6500 Laptop in Nepal.Almost of the people can buy this laptop for their use.Today Nepal also going to face toward development.More than 55% people are educated in Nepal.After 35 years almost the people are educated in Nepal.Today people got a laptop in Rs6500.It is very small in size than other computer .We can easily carry it from one place to another place.We can use internet,Email and web in this laptop.People get more facilities in this laptop.Many person can buy this Laptop beacuse it is cheap than other computer.We can calculate a complex problems on it .This laptop is like a exercise books.We can charge it and we can use it for 2-3 hours. We can keep it save beacuse it is small in size and we can carry it easily.This is better for student.Computer are use as aids in the study of gravity,flow of electric current,atomic structure, chemical reactions in learning and understanding different subject easily .Computers are used as tools for studying history,mathematics,geography etc.Therefore,the computers has became an educational tool.So,for students this Laptop is better to use.They should not use to spent a lot of money for buying a computer.They can work in this laptop easily.Nepal is going forward to development.Today we can see a laptop of Rs6500.This we know a improvement in information Technology.Many other improvement in technology are seen day by day.People can do their research and bussiness .Staying at one corner of the world,one can receive information from any part of the world or transmit information easily with the use of Information Technology devices.The information Technology devices are improving day by day in Nepal.Early their is no any machine to do works.People use to spend a lot of time for their works,They fell lazy and tired.But now All of works of people are solved by computer in short time.In Nepal ,today we can see a mobile phone in hand of every person.We can talk and share information from one country to another country.All impossible works are also been possible with the help of Information Technology. We can see a lot of improvement in Information Technology day by day.Today we get a mobile phone(cell phone)in a cheap price.We can use internet and web with in mobile phone.Today we see laptop in Rs.6500.From this we can see a improvement of people in Information Technology beacuse early nobody can see a computer then are unknowledgeable in computer study.But now all the people get computer in cheap price.So more people this laptop.They are perfect to use computer and computer study.Today in every field we can see important of computer .Basically this laptop is important for student.We can got this with garanty .Information Technology play a vital role in Development of country.
Monday, July 19, 2010
These days different servises are running over the internet and we have access to different services thriugh web.This is all possible only beacuse of information and communication technology(ICT).Due to the open internet,we can use Website ,Digital libary ,E-Commerce, E-Governance,E-Shopping,E-Education,-Banking ,Tele-Medicine,etc services all over the world .Before this IT was just used by american and some other most development countries.The use of IT was also started in nepal since1996A.D.
Computer machine is so popular because it can do complex works easily in almost no time ,in an efficient and reliable way.During 1960 computer were used in resarch while it was used by big industries and bussiness houses during 1970s.During 1980s,after the invention of microcomputer(PCs),it has revolutinized the economic and education sectors.This technology envolved as Information Tecnology(IT) from the bigining of 1990s.This IT merged itself to the communication technology to take advantage of communicationtechnology and a new disipline is formed as information and communication tecnology(ICT).Computer are now an essential accessories for most of the organization,office and individuals.It's usages are not limited education,spacescience,economics ,bussiness ,banking,insurance,medicineand healthcare,taspotation,communication,music and entertainment are some of the sector where computer are extensively used .But usages of computer arenot just limited to this sector .
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Uses of IT
Internatetechanalogy was open for rest of the world in 1994 AD. After the decleration of vice president of America (Algore),after internet was published in countries could use the facilities of i nternet ,intranet ,extranet and email.This event is consider as the big milstone in the development of IT.
Saturday, July 17, 2010

The short form of information tecnology isIT.This tecnology envolved as Information Tecnology(IT) from the begining of 1990s.This it merged itself to the communicationtecnologyand a new disipline is formed as information and communicationtecnolog(ICT). Information Tecnology process and generate information while communication tecnology is responsible for transmitting the facts and figure requred,for information processing and also for transmitting generated information for it's best usages.This concept of information sharing was even made more easy and flexiblewith the development of Internet and World Wide Web(WWW).Hence ,the revolution of computers marched towards the Web Technology(WT).
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
About IT
IT stands for information technology which is a general term that explains any terms of technology to manipulate ,produce ,and communicate.
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