Computer is used in almost every field in development countries.Industrial advancement,agriculture,defense,education ,commerce and business,medicine,tourism,banking ,etc.,are the core areas where computer science is utilized.Today,man can communicate from one part of world to another part easily ,which is and example of the advancement of computer science .Within a minute ,man can communicate through Telephone ,Telex,Fax and TV from one part of world to the another.Computer has helped in banking network also .Your deposited money in a bank of foreign country can be withdrawn using ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) card or Master card from the other country ,and hand-prints can be sent to any parts to any parts of the world at great speed.
Computer has its application not only in manufacturing ,medical research ,education and defense ,but it is also used in small business offices to handle day-to-day work easily and efficiently .Due to growing importance and numerous application of computers ,it is essential to provide Computer Education .
Computers are used as aids in the study of gravity ,flow of electric current ,atomic structure,chemical reaction ,blood circulation , etc .,as textual matter and /or graphical analysis.Computers assist the student in learning
and understanding the subject matter easily.
Computer is used in development countries in the study of history ,mathematics ,geography etc. Similarly ,mathematics ,science and statistics are taught with the aid of computers.Distance learning like 'Open University' is another educational application in Europe and America.
Students can get university level education with the aid of computers through the 'Open University'.In 1960s, computers were basically applied in research and in 1970s computers were used in industries for process control and quality control.In 1980s, computers were extensively used in education and economic development .At the beginning of 1990, a new subject has been introduced in education which is called "Information Technology".
Awesome, your absolutly right!